Monday, August 31, 2009

Hunting For Health in a Sea of Cellulite

I'm in the mood to celebrate today. Despite the sudden bulge in weight that I had in the middle of last week, I stepped on the scale this morning and saw that in addition to losing the two pounds I'd put on, I'd lost another. All because I'd redoubled my efforts instead of moping and inviting my friends Ben and Jerry over for a pity party. If I had, I'd really be Phish Food about now. (Okay, you can say it. Ow.)

So now I'm going to share my secret. Even though it's not really a secret, given that my sister told me the same thing about... two months ago.

The exercise did it.

Eating healthier and putting less in your body is a start, but if you're still taking in more calories than you're burning in a day, you're just gaining weight more slowly. Which is sort of like piling up a couple of sandbags when your house is flooding, but then shrugging and saying "good enough," going inside, and reading a book as the water starts to wash over the floorboards. (If you need a mental picture to accompany this one, just think of that flood insurance commercial with the little dog floating away on the coffee table.)

Okay, okay. I know what some of you are thinking. Well, easier said than done, Jami. I can't do any of this. I have to catch my breath just getting into the car. Forget running or any of that. Well, I can tell you from experience that I do understand. But the fact of the matter is that everyone has something they can do. Not doing it just because you think you can't is only going to make the problem worse. That's what I've been learning, at least.

A few years ago, my aunt, who was losing weight at the time, gave me a DVD of Leslie Sansone, who has a walk-at-home program. At first I mentally turned up my nose. I didn't like exercise videos, I didn't like those perpetually cheery-meets-vaguely-condescending people grinning at the front of the room like they can actually see you sweating like a pig and stumbling all over yourself when they say "beautiful! Just eight more..." But then I actually tried this DVD. And to my surprise... she didn't annoy me nearly as much as normal. Even better, here was a program that was great to start on. (I should be getting paid for these product plugs...)

It's not focused on doing the moves perfectly, since it's based on walking in place. If you can't do those moves (like knee lifts) you can keep walking instead. So long as you keep moving to the rhythm. And since it's at home, you don't have to go outside and deal with people staring -- thus preserving your pride for another day. Plus, there's additional upper-body movement, giving you more than a walk. And if you feel like you're dying, just stop the DVD. No need to pull out your cell phone and call for a ride home because you can't make it.

Now, of course this isn't the only way. If you like walking outside, go for it! If you like swimming... here's a great opportunity to work out without gravity getting in the way. (It's like defying the laws of physics without having to pay for the NASA equipment.) Go out, shop around. There is something that works. Most Targets have decent fitness aisles for reasonable prices. Catherine's and Lane Bryant have some pretty spiffy activewear. (See? There I go, plugging again.) Can anyone else think of suggestions for exercise or where to get things that will help on the way? Maybe if we pool our resources, we can remedy the preconceived notion that fitness is only meant for the peppy aerobics bunnies and rippled gym rats.

After all, I've always stopped my efforts because I thought it was impossible for someone of my size. "I'll never be able to do what they do." "This is only designed for people who are already skinny, not people who actually need it." "I'll be a laughingstock if I join a class." "God, I'm dying after two minutes, how can I make it through fifteen?"

But here's the thing. Fitness is created for all people. It's just that not all people walk this earth on equal footing (literally.) Fortunately for us, fitness isn't created equal either. It's not that it doesn't work for us, it's just that we have to find different things that will work. It is out there.

I just didn't know where to look before.


  1. hey, I just wanted to point out that I believe there are exercise video swapping sites if you get bored with what you have.
    ha, I have the NYC Ballet workout and there is so much floorwork I find myself just laying there when I get tired (and for some reason that doesn't actaully accomplish anything).

  2. My mom does sweatin to the oldies. Cheesy I know, but she loves it.
    I might suggest too, instead of spending money going to dinner and a movie, spend it doing fun things that are too expensive to do regularly - like raft trips or rock climbing. Those kinds of things. I LOVE hot yoga, but it's spendy to do regularly. I might alternate months and try swimming again. Use your community pools. They're way cheap!
    Another fun thing to do to stay motivated about walking is to join or form teams for marathons and fundraiser (Race for the Cure anyone?) At least you get a free t-shirt out of the deal ;)
    On Demand on comcast cable has a cycle of different exercise routines as well. There was a pilates workout that I really liked on there. It's probably gone now though. I was also thinking about looking into joining a community league softball team or volleyball. Seemed like it might be fun!
    I hope that's far too many suggesstions :-P

  3. Every single movement you make burns calories, I found out that reading a book expends calories...(not significant enough to lose weight unless you stop eating)but any effort counts...taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking your car farther out in the parking lot so you have to walk farther, actually return the shopping cart back into the store, pack your groceries out to the car (if small amount)insteaf of using the cart, playing fetch with the dog...(no not throwing the dog).Riding your bike places on weekends, purposely for get your keys and have to run back in the house to get them...mow the lawn...or mow your neigbors lawn (random act of kindness that benefits both parties), wash the car(mannually) sometimes doing a task actually makes you feel so much better...accomplished two things, excercise and the car looks great!

  4. Thanks for the blogging...i am inspired to change
