Saturday, September 12, 2009

Announcements: A Terrible Death to Die

I had to use that title for those of you who remember that call from summer camp/outdoor school.

I know I have not been terribly good about the MWF schedule this week, but I have been in the course of moving. Tomorrow, the boxes go in the car and I make the final drive to my destination -- where I will be camped out in a motel or an RV (no one's told me which) for the next two or three weeks, until the place I'll be living is ready for my roommate and me. So I will most likely have very intermittent internet access until this happens.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Jami, that's why God invented Wi-fi." Well, that's true... but while you can count on things like that at a Marriott, this is a small, privately-owned establishment in a town with a population around 120. I just can't count on it being available without a stable home base. So I will try to get a post in a week, I can't guarantee, well... anything.

In the meantime, please keep talking. If you have anything you want to contribute, please do so! It'll give everyone something to read. Just comment at the end of this post. Have conversations. I'll check it out and jump in when I can, until I stop attempting to impersonate the dark ages (or at least the 1960s.)

On the plus side, I am approaching my first ten pounds lost. And with the fact that this community doesn't have a grocery store (or even a gas station or convenience store)... this could possibly be good for that whole "eating too much" habit of mine. (Don't worry, this does not mean I will be fasting for the next month. I promise.) So until we meet again: good luck, happy exercising, and take care.

...and now I want to say "this is Jami for KSVQ, signing off." When did I turn into a radio host?

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