Friday, September 4, 2009

The Devil Made Me Eat It

Eating out is the devil.

Seriously. Think about it.

Every time I go out, I'm confronted with a tantalizing menu. Mouthwatering burgers. Sizzling steaks. Pasta that makes your tastebuds sing. And that's without ever looking at the dessert menu or the wine list. The salads and healthy options look sadly inadequate when compared to these culinary temptations.

And then, inevitably, I order a French dip and a mojito and claim that "the devil made me do it."


Fortunately for me, I've learned that eating out doesn't have to be hell on my weight loss. The biggest factor for me? Being honest about it. If I'm out with friends or co-workers, I'm very clear about the fact that I'm trying to lose weight. Why? Because this way, I don't have an excuse to go after that burger. I may have the mojito -- after all, I'm out with friends -- but there's no reason to go overboard. And even if no one reminds you that you shouldn't have anything, it's already out there. I'm using my inordinate amount of pride to my advantage.

Also, I'm finding that there are better ways to eat. I don't necessarily have to get a salad if it doesn't sound good. Maybe I can get a grilled chicken sandwich without sauce. Add some bell peppers and onions. Mushrooms. Water. Try not to get caught in the "starving children in Africa" ploy that somehow magically compels you to clean all the crumbs from your plate.

What's more? Plan for it. If you want to splurge, fit it into your eating plan like you'd fit an appointment into your schedule. It's no reason to guilt yourself into oblivion. Like I said before, weight loss isn't about denying yourself everything. It's about learning alternatives to unhealthy habits.

Eating out is the devil. But food is not a sin. We just have to be smarter eaters.


  1. Hey there, stumbled upon your blogger. LOL on the food. Where I live I'm surrounded by bars, and the bars are the Del Taco's, In-n-Outs... all sorts of fast food. Hard to kick the habit. I'm in the process of just saying F it and starting a new diet to put all diets to shame. It's one of those... today is the day.. f those who think they can stop me =P. Check out my blog, it's going to be quite interesting too =D.

  2. meant to say... "and outside the bars are the Del Taco's" **** =P

  3. Great Idea...schedule your dinners out...once a make reservations to go out and have a great dinner, choose your company and share a wickedly amazing can splurge within reason and it makes something to look forward if you have lost 2 pounds a week (which is a proper weight loss to keep it off later)you might not want to eat something that might jepordize that eight pounds. The next month add another eight and it will be 16 pounds...etc. Set your gaol to 8 pounds a month..when you achieve it reward yourself in some way...plan a evening out or an evening in what ever...but celebrate your sucess each month...that can be your goal!! I think I am going to try this plan...I have always looked so far down the road that the 200 pounds I have to loose makes 8 pounds feel like a single rain drop in a drought...but eight pounds in a month sounds achievable...Thanks I think I might start again!!

  4. That sounds perfectly reasonable. I know that I'd love to lose about 150 myself, but the way I look at it is that anything -- and I mean anything -- is a step up (down) from where I am now. I may get frustrated, but every pound counts.

    But the thing about goals is to be flexible. Two pounds a week is wonderful and healthy, but it may be that your body has trouble with that, especially at first. Mine does. I generally take off one a week. Which is infuriating, but also a reality. So don't get hard on yourself if you don't meet 8 lbs a month. Give yourself a break. You're building a better quality of life for yourself. There's no reason to skimp on details for something so important as you.

    Don't worry, I won't go Richard Simmons on anyone. No self-hugging will be administered on this website.
